Monday, March 5, 2012

A Mother’s First Flower(s)

As a mother, I am coming to the realization that there are moments that sometimes take your breath away. Last Friday was one of those moments. Jayden was following his Daddy around outside and I went on the porch to check up on them during their “man time”. As I was about to walk out the screen door, I see Jayden toddling towards me. In his hand is not one, but two flowers off of Todd’s Tabebuia tree. He came right over to me with his eyes shining with love and gave me my first flowers. Now of course I have received flowers before, but never from my son. I thought I was going to turn into a puddle of tears right there!
Not only were the flowers significant because they were my first from Jayden, but they were also the first blooms off of Todd’s tree that Jayden and I gave him for his 40th birthday. When we gave Todd his tree, he said that he couldn’t wait to measure Jayden’s growth next to it. I couldn’t believe my Little Man was growing already…..not in inches but in thoughtfulness and sweetness!

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