Friday, March 2, 2012

And the Sea World Adventures Continue

Even though we are slowly becoming regulars at Sea World, each time we go we create even more amazing memories! Today just might have been our best trip ever! (Lol, I say that every time!) We had planned to have a family day, but were thrilled when Kristen, Catherine and their little ones could join us!
Jayden & Jack
Jayden was insanely happy to follow Catherine’s two little guys around (Mac and Jack). He thought he was Hot Stuff going on the big boy ride, Ocean Commotion! While Catherine watched her precious 10 month old girl Sam, Todd volunteered to take all of the boys on the OC.  The Ocean Commotion is basically a large tug boat that is supposed to replicate the gentle rocking of the high seas! Ha, from my viewpoint it definitely wasn’t “gentle” rocking back –and-forth and side-to-side! However, the boys thought it was the best ride ever!
Mac, Jack, Jayden, Todd

After the Ocean Commotion, we talked the “cool” guys into going on more slow paced rides for the girls! So we headed on over to the Swishy Fishies tea cup ride and the Sea Carousel! They were all so cute that I couldn’t help but take a dozen pictures!

Mac, Catherine, Sam

The last ride we hit in the Shamus Happy Harbor area was the Flying Fiddler! Now of course the women and little ones under two did not go on this ride because it had “Flying” in the name! The ride is in the shape of a large fiddler crab and once the riders are strapped in, it lifts them off the ground more than 20 feet in the air! Todd accompanied both Mac and Jack and their faces were priceless! I think the funniest part of the entire ride was Jack’s face barley peering over the handle bars! Priceless!

Then, what better way to end our afternoon than at the Shark Encounter!!!!  We had yet to go with Jayden, so I was looking forward to seeing his reaction. I completely forgot how fascinating the exhibit was! There were aquariums and tanks everywhere as you rode through the exhibit! Jayden could not believe that there were sharks everywhere he turned his head!

What an amazing afternoon! Thank you to the Porter’s and the Colavecchio’s for giving us such an incredible day at Sea World!
P.S. Todd enjoed borrowing your baby girls!
Sam & Toddy

Emmy & Toddy

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