Thursday, October 18, 2012

Milk Out of a Bowl?

Jayden somehow got the “Cereal Fiend” chromosome from his father! When he wakes up he points to the cereal! When we get home from school he points to the cereal! When it’s dinner time he points to the cereal! And he has to lots LOTS of milk with it!
Now some of my good friends out there know I am not a big milk fan. It’s to the point that when I have cereal I put a small amount in my bowl and then drain my cereal from the milk using my spoon. So I can’t begin to tell you how nauseated I feel when I see Toddy drinking his milk out of his bowl when his cereal is gone! (GAG!!) So low and behold I’m in the kitchen cooking and I glance over to J in his high chair and there he is DRINKING MILK FROM HIS BOWL!!!!  

When he was done he had this huge grin on his face! I look over to Todd who has sheepish look on his face and he says, “What? I taught him that two weeks ago!” Oh how I love my boys! (When they are not slurping milk down!)

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