Monday, October 15, 2012

Baby Kicks……

Tonight was one of those surreal nights that takes your breath away. Toddy was taking a well needed night off and was at a concert with his buddy Steve-O. I had a great night playing with Jayden and finally got him down even though he was waiting for his Daddy to put him to bed! (Trader!) I decided it would be nice to get in bed early and read/party plan for my upcoming parties. As I was relaxing, all of a sudden I felt this sucker punch to my lower belly. So much so that I felt the vibration on the outside where my hand rested! I couldn’t believe it……my precious baby kicked and I felt it with my hand!
I immediately texted Todd because I was so excited! We didn’t feel Jayden until he was 22 weeks and I’m only 19 now! My little one continued to kick me several more times which only seemed to fascinate me more! I fell asleep dreaming of our new addition to the family only to wake up to my hubby rubbing my belly and telling out baby to wake up so Daddy could feel! I mean really Todd….lol at 12:30 in the morning! How I love that man! He doesn’t want to miss anything! Unfortunately, our baby was not interested in waking up! So here’s to Toddy feeling in the future!

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