Monday, November 5, 2012

It’s Gift Time

One of the current trends at birthday parties is to not open the birthday gifts. I personally like this because then the birthday boy/girl has more time to play and everyone doesn’t have to sit there and be bored through 30 minutes of gift opening. We were exhausted after his birthday, but thought it would be nice to at least let him open one gift! (Our plan is to space them out so he can enjoy each one and not be overwhelmed.) He happened to pick Grandma Sharon’s gift out.
I knew he would adore this one! His eyes lit up as soon as he opened the box! It was a Home Depot leaf blower just like his Daddies! Jayden’s favorite thing in our garage is Todd’s blower and he makes him turn it on at least once a day! I don’t think we could get it out of the box quick enough!

He played with it for several minutes and then he wanted to go outside and blow leaves with his Daddy! So priceless! The two of them and J in his goggles…..I couldn’t stop smiling/giggling!

Even when he got out of the bath he wanted to play more! He would have taken it to his crib, but we made him leave it downstairs. His first words this morning were “Vroom, Vroom” (AKA his blower)! Lol, he knew his toy was waiting for him downstairs! How I love that boy!

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