Thursday, July 19, 2012


Todd and I have been extremely fortunate that Jayden has adapted to his crib and been sleeping by himself since he was a little less than a month old. (We had him in a bassinet in our room for the first few weeks.) He adores his crib and we can always find him luxuriating in the mornings and when he wakes up for naps. It is rare when we is not ready for bed or not feeling good that he snuggles in bed with Todd and I.
Well last night just so happened to be one of those rare nights. I hate to admit it, but it was selfishly due to me! With being six weeks pregnant, I was dead on my feet. I couldn’t keep my eyes open another second! So when J refused to go to bed and was really fussy, I took him into the big bed with me. (I knew Todd would put him down when he came upstairs!)
When I woke up in the morning, it was to a text from my hubby with the following message and picture:
“”I see we’re co-sleeping now huh? Bad squirrel! LOL!” (Squirrel reference is an inside joke with the Pyles Family!)

1 comment:

  1. Aww, this sis precious. Oh 'rare' occasions I let mine sleep with me too. I love that Todd thought of photographing you two.

