Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Twenty Weeks!

Half way there!!! I’m twenty weeks today and our little munchkin is the size of a banana (7 inches and 10 ounces)! It’s fascinating how quickly a baby can grow. I feel as if our baby knew it was a big day in his/her growth because he/she was swimming around and moving more than ever! Before, it felt like little bubbles (as if the baby was blowing bubble gum) and now it feels more like a butterfly flapping its wings!
Todd and I have so many emotions and love for this little human being that we have yet to hold. Todd has been truly amazing when it comes to researching, helping me, loving me and doing everything a father to be is suppose to do and more.  It fills my heart with joy to know and see the love he has for our child. He wrote a poem for our little one and I would like to share it with you. 
Boy or Girl?
We're bringing a child into this world,
Don't know yet whether boy or girl;
Some say tis wrong, tis a crying shame,
In a world full of hate, suffering, pain.

Whether good or bad, our hearts are glad,
Such love for a child, yet to be had;
A bundle of joy, sent from above,
Expecting parents, filled with pure love.

So let the journey begin, of sleepless nights,
And countless days, made joyful and bright!
Don't know yet whether boy or girl,
But we'll love this child, more than all the world!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying reading your blog posts Heather. I was so hoping you would record this poem that Todd wrote. I remember him sharing it with the family and my heart melted.
