Sunday, August 28, 2011

Playdate! (Better Late Than Never)

On Saturday, July 30 Tara hosted another playdate for the Lockheed Mom’s! I absolutely adore these days because I get to spend time with J and see him interact with babies his age. He always makes me smile or pulls something that has me in stitches! This time he was fascinated with Tara’s entertainment center. He climbed on top in an attempt to get to the fireplace and he was determined that he would get to the paperwork and boxes stored on the right hand side. Of course I can’t leave out that in his attempt to get to the right hand side he proceeded to crawl through the middle of the excersaucer and Ella’s legs!!
Here are a few pics of J’s playdate with Cooper, Ella, Xander. (Unfortunately I did not get a picture of Emmy, our newest addition to the play group.)

 (This is right before he crawled through Ellas's legs!)

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