Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jayden's "FIRSTS"

Waved Bye Bye – July 25, 2011
It amazes me how fast Jayden can grasp something that we teach him. I just recently started taking his arm and waving bye bye to his Daddy. It was just something sweet I thought Todd would enjoy. Then low and behold, Todd told me that at daycare when he was leaving he pompted Jayden and ge started waving bye bye! Now he loves waving bye bye. Lol, even if he isn’t going anywhere.
P.S. A few weeks ago Todd and I went to an Orlando City soccer game and my mom watched him. She held him while we were sitting in our car in the garage. There he was waving bye bye to us in his Grandma’s arms. So PRECIOUS!

Sucked on His Toes – July 28, 2011

Slid Down a Slide – August 2, 2011

Said MaMa – August 2, 2011
After an exhausting day of work, all I want to do is see my baby. After picking him up from daycare, we came home and played for a few minutes. After playing, I picked up my little man and headed to the guest bedroom to change his diaper. On the way he surprised me by looking up at me and saying mama. For some reason, that moment was the most special moment to me. Just like the Grinch said, “My heart grew two sizes that day!”. 

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on the blog and I'm loving this entry! Those videoclips melt my heart. I feel like I'm almost there experiencing these sweet moments with you. I love seeing Jayden sucking on his little toesies and laughing.

    Hugs from across the country.
