Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jayden's "FIRSTS"

First Spoon Full of Food – Sunday, March 13
Last Sunday Jayden felt a spoon on his tongue for the very first time. I had been patiently waiting to let him try, but I thought it would be special to share this milestone with his Uncle Colin and Auntie Katie. He was so funny pushing the spoon with his tongue! He didn’t quite understand that he had to open up his gums to let the spoon in. Once I finally got it in, I think he pushed 99% of the food out with his tongue! All in all I thought it was a great first experience and it meant so much to share it with my brother and Katie!
First Ear Infection – Friday, March 18
My poor little baby has a horrible ear infection, so the doctor said today. Todd and I were surprised because he hadn’t been showing any symptoms. He was his perfectly happy self with just a little cough and stuffiness. We had decided to bring him to the doctors as precautionary sense the weekend was starting. We’re so glad that we did! So J.C. has been getting lots of TLC!!
First Time Wearing Shoes – Friday, March 18
On Friday we had a very important dinner date with the Phang family! I thought it would be so much fun to dress Jayden in shoes for the first time. I had him dressed in one of my favorite plaid jumpers, which was perfect to show off his white and blue shoes!  Daddy is in trouble now that he is fitting into shoes! It’s time to go shopping!!!

First Time in a Walker – Saturday, March 19
Jayden went walking yesterday! Well, sliding is more like it. He was a little fussy with cutting his first tooth and his ear infection, so we thought it would be fun to introduce him to his walker that Grandma Shappard gave him. He loved it and played in it. Mommy pushed him around and he squealed with delight. We can’t wait until his feet touch the ground!

"I can't walk by myself mommy!"

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