Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jayden's "FIRSTS"

This past week and 1/2 has been full of firsts for our little man! He seems to be growing like a weed and sometimes it is hard to take it all in. So hopefully narrating his adventures will help me remember most of them!

First Time He Flipped Over in His Crib – Tuesday, February 22        Todd and I woke to Jayden screaming. We thought he was hungry, so I went in to pick him up while Daddy made a bottle. When I walked up to the crib and looked down our little guy was on his stomach!  He was very concerned because he hadn’t quote figured out how to roll over on his back. He’s caught on quick because that is all he does now when he practices tummy time and sleeps at night. Last night he slept on his stomach with his thumb in his mouth. What a cutie!

First Time Jayden Played with his Feet – Saturday, February 26        Jayden has recently become enthralled with his feet. When he’s on the changing table, when he wakes up from a nap and when he is luxuriating on his parents laps. It is so precious watching him scrutinize his feet. He hasn’t quite found his mouth with them yet, but I am sure that is soon to come.

First Taste of Rice Cereal - Saturday, February 26        Daddy was out celebrating Uncle Channing’s birthday Saturday night and Auntie Emily had come over to have dinner with Jayden and me. I was a little worried about doing the rice cereal for the first time without Todd (We like to experience Jayden’s firsts togetherJ!); however my little tank was just starving! I knew that Emily would be able to help me because she has experience with her nephew. We were quite hilarious trying to get the perfect cereal nipple. (For those of you without baby experience, you have to poke a larger whole in the nipple when you add cereal to compensate for the thickness.) We tried a toothpick, a fork and a knife. The first nipple I ruined. I knew this because when I fed Jayden the bottle the milk was like Niagara Falls coming out. The second one was just right….thanks to Auntie Em! Once we finally had the right nipple, Jayden demolished his entire bottle and then went on to sleep for 8 glorious hours!!

First Splash in a Lake – Sunday, February 27       

Jayden and I were extremely lucky that Auntie Lindsey was in town and could have lunch with us. We dragged Auntie Emily with us too and we had a blast relaxing on the deck and catching up. The water was quite chilly, but Jayden toughed it out when Lindsey put his feet in the water for the first time! His face was priceless!

1 comment:

  1. WOW - what an exciting last few weeks it's been for Jayden (and for mom and dad). Thanks for sharing all his firsts with us. He'll be crawling before you know it!
