Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jayden's 3-D Pics!

I cannot begin to express to you what an extraordinary day it was today! We had our 4-D ultra sound this afternoon and had the privilege of seeing little Jayden!!  Grandma Sharon met us at the Doctor’s office at 4:00 for our appointment. It was spectacular seeing his little face…I mean Todd’s face!! Jayden looks just like his Daddy! He has Todd’s lips and nose. It was quite amazing seeing how defined his face was.  Of course the little bugger gave us difficulty by putting his hands and feet in front to his face. Grandma says he is going to love his passy because the entire time he was sucking on either his toes/feet, hands/fingers and his arms! 
I know I’m biased, but I think he is just as handsome as his father! Here are a few pic…….

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