Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Baby Shower

As I walked into my front door, I couldn’t believe the transformation my home had gone through! It was the most gorgeous baby shower I had even seen. My mom and aunt had chosen the most precious theme: Sweat Pea! Everything was coordinated from the balloons to the spectacular cupcakes.
It was such a memorable day and I am so blessed to have had all of my wonderful friends there to share this special moment with me.  I loved seeing all of the delightful gifts.  At 31 weeks, all I could think about was how close we were to wrapping our lil’ man in all of the beautiful blankets and clothes!
I want to give a special thank you to my two mothers…..Sharon and Aunt Cathy. You have taught me everything I need to know to become a mother. You have been my role models and have supported me all my life. I am so blessed to live so close so we can share all of Jayden’s firsts with you. I love you with all of my heart and I couldn’t have imagined anyone else hosting my first baby shower.
Here are a few shots of the big day…..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jack Johnson

Today was Jayden’s first official concert that he could hear in the womb. Toddy and I went to see Jack Johnson at the Amway Arena. He was fantastic and played for two solid hours. Of course Jayden danced around in my belly for half of it! Lol, but he did take little naps throughout to work up enough energy for his dancing! I had given Todd these tickets several months before as a gift. At the time, we were wondering how big I would be! Now we know! Thank goodness I am still mobile and actually growing right on schedule, so the doctors say!  Here's a clip from the concert.....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Childbirth Class

Today was our first class of our five week Childbirth Preparation series.   Todd and I have been extremely excited to start this class. We thought it would be a great opportunity for us to learn, ease our anxiety and have a date night! There are 10 couples in the class and we are one of two that are having a little boy. There is someone that I went to high school with and someone who works at Lockheed….such a small world. Tonight our class consisted of a group activity that involved filling in the blanks for pregnancy related issues, short video clip about emotional involvement by your spouse/partner, but the funniest part was when the men had an opportunity to try on a baby suit that weighed approximately 30 pounds. It was funny to see them waddle around. Somehow Todd escaped wearing the suit!

30 Weeks

10 more weeks to go! This week Jayden’s brain is no longer smooth, but taking on those characteristic groves and indentions. The baby is also able to control his body temperature now. It’s surreal that he is growing inside me and we get to meet him soon!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jayden's 3-D Pics!

I cannot begin to express to you what an extraordinary day it was today! We had our 4-D ultra sound this afternoon and had the privilege of seeing little Jayden!!  Grandma Sharon met us at the Doctor’s office at 4:00 for our appointment. It was spectacular seeing his little face…I mean Todd’s face!! Jayden looks just like his Daddy! He has Todd’s lips and nose. It was quite amazing seeing how defined his face was.  Of course the little bugger gave us difficulty by putting his hands and feet in front to his face. Grandma says he is going to love his passy because the entire time he was sucking on either his toes/feet, hands/fingers and his arms! 
I know I’m biased, but I think he is just as handsome as his father! Here are a few pic…….

Friday, August 6, 2010

Another Doctors Appointment.....

I love these special days when Todd and I have Dr.’s appointments for Jayden! Today was the first time we met another Dr. in Dr. Thatcher’s practice. Her name was Dr. Merritt and we loved her! You always get nervous thinking that your OBGYN will not be on call when you go into labor. However, Todd and I both adored Dr. M! She is young and has two little boys herself! If she is the one to deliver our baby we both feel confident that she will make us comfortable, as well as do an amazing job!  **Jayden’s heartbeat hovered around 140 beats a minute today!**
After we finished with our appointment, we grabbed lunch and then finished registering at BabiesRus. All of the baby stuff is so adorable! Here are a few of my favorite registry items for the baby!