Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jayden Colin Shappard

Jayden Colin Shappard!! We finally came to a decision on our son’s name! Jayden was one of the first names I liked, but we wanted to make sure we gave ourselves an opportunity to research. It seemed that every name I chose Todd wasn’t sure of and vice versa.  There is so much pressure to come up with the perfect name!
I was 100% certain of the middle name, which is my brother’s, but here were a few of the names in the running for the first: Jagger, Ryker, Jaxon,  Jayce and Declan. We’re so pleased and I know already that it is going to be perfect!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

27 Weeks

Daddy was upset yesterday because he wasn’t able to go to our Dr.’s appointment. He had me fill him in on all of the details when I came back. At the appointment, they did the Glucose test and gave me information about pediatricians. My favorite part was listening to our little man’s heartbeat! It fluctuated between 146-148 beats a minute today!
Today I am 27 Weeks!!!  I can’t believe how quickly the pregnancy is flying by!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Final Vacation Before Lil' Man Arrives

The future Mommy and Daddy are back from an amazing vacation! We wanted a little mini vaca before our lil’ man arrived. We went to Atlantic Beach, right outside of Jacksonville, and stayed at a beautiful resort! We stayed 4 nights and 5 days and it was glorious! Todd and I had so much fun. We played at the beach, had massages, slept, ate incredible meals and went baby shopping! I couldn’t have asked for a better time.
I cherish the time I get to spend with Todd. He makes me smile, laugh, decompress and most of all slow down! There isn’t a vacation that we have had that I don’t appreciate….Asheville, Paris, St. Augustine, Ireland, Savannah and now Atlantic Beach. Such amazing travels and I’m thankful for every moment I have spent with my husband and best friend!

**We ate at this restaurant, Ragtime. It was delicious! We had a table for two right at that front window!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Finally.....The Nursery Bedding!

We found the crib bedding…finally! We have been looking and looking for something special. I wanted something that was both aesthetically pleasing and shouted adorable baby! I have spent numerous hours researching on the internet, as well as checking out baby stores. I should have known that Toddy would lead me in the right direction!
It was our last day of vacation at Atlantic Beach and we decided to be productive! We had just finished registering at Babies R Us when Todd suggested stopping at Pottery Barn for Kids. As we walked up to the display window, I knew I had found it! It was the Eli’s Elephant set and it was the most precious bedding set I had seen! It was baby blue (Todd requested blue for the bedding!) and it had little elephants on it.
We can’t wait to pick out colors and get started on the nursery design! We want a haven for our little man. We love him so much and can’t wait to bring him home to his very own room!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

24 Weeks

24 WEEKS..…I am officially six months pregnant today! I can’t believe that we are going to have a precious little baby in 14 weeks! Today Todd took my first prego picture. It’s funny how quickly my belly has popped out!

At least I can still see my feet!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Nusery Furniture

So many decisions to make when it comes to having a baby! Of course as a mother and a decorator lover, the nursery decisions are very important to me. I want the ideal nursery, but yet I can’t seem to find anything that makes me want to jump for joy.  However, on this very special day, I have found a crib! It’s absolutely beautiful and everything I could have wanted for my lil’ one!
Todd has been so supportive and patient with the decision making. I’m so glad that he loves it as well! Now all we need to do is find the perfect bedding set to go with it!!