Monday, May 28, 2012

10 Year Reunion: Family Day

Before our 10 Year Reunion dinner, the board thought it would be nice to have a Family Day. The first place that popped into our mind was the Tikki Bar! We knew it would be perfect for both the adults and the little ones! We couldn't have been more right! The water was a hit and the food and drinks were ideal for the adults!

Jayden couldn't wait to hit the water! Once we saw some of the other little ones headed down, I quickly changed J and we walked down to the shore! (J ran!) I don't know if he had more fun in the water or playing the sand!

J also become facinated with a tube that was on the shore! He must have played with it for at least 20 minutes!

Jayden headed back to the car after an exhausting day on the shore! He could barely keep his eyes open on the way back home!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

10 Year Reunion: Meet & Greet!

"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love,
the things you are, the things you never want to lose."
~The Television show The Wonder Years

It seems like just yesterday that we walked across the stage and accepted our high school diplomas. With our cap in hand, each one of us embarked on a new adventure and headed off to follow our dreams. We have all loved, lost and grown as individuals within the last ten years. We've all faced trials and tribulations, but with perseverance we have succeeded.

I am very fortunate to have graduated with so many amazing individuals and I was absolutely thrilled to see everyone Friday night at our 1o Year High School Reunion Meet & Greet!

To the Ladies and Gentlemen of Class of 2002, always hold on to the things you love, the things you are and the things you never want to lose!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

LM Play Date at the Splash Pad

As you all know, I so look forward to our LM Play Dates! I was so excited today because it was our play date, but I was even more excited than normal because Tara chose to host it at the Dr. Phillip’s Splash Pad! I knew it would so much fun for the little ones!

Of course Tara had to outdo herself with incredible munchies and little gifts for all of the kids! (Well I think the munchies were consumed mostly by the adults!)

Unfortunately we had a small group with just Xander W., Cooper, Xander C. and Jayden, but we still had an amazing time!

I know Jayden was in his glory as he ran around the splash pad and got squirted in the face by the older kids!

Another successful play date in the books! I truly appreciate Tara organizing this date, especially since she is prego and exhausted! Counting down until we see everyone again at Emmy's 1st birthday!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Water + Jayden = One Happy Little Guy!

So of course on our off Friday, Todd wanted to let J have some fun in the water while he worked on the yard! We inflated J’s pool for the first time and headed outside!

I don't know what J loved more, the water in the pool or the water coming out of the giraffe's mouth!

He thoroughly enjoyed himself and was exhausted by the time we dried him off! Who would have thought that our little guy was going to be a fish! He could have played for another hour if we let him!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

18 Month Check Up

A year and a half? When did that happen?!?! J amazes me every day with how bright, loving and determined he is. I couldn’t imagine my life without him. Todd and I are so blessed to wake up as parents to such an incredible little one! We love you Jayden Colin Shappard!

Height: 31” (15th Percentile)
Weight: 25 Pounds 4 Ounces (50th Percentile)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pool Time!!!

Kristen, Catherine and I wanted to get together for a play date this weekend and of course since the weather was so beautiful we knew water of some sort was going to be involved! Catherine and her fam was wonderful enough to invite our rambunctious group over for a swim date! Of course prior to the swimming J had to check out the slide!

After the slide, we headed up to the pool to bring Jayden swimming for the first time this summer! He of course did not surprise us with his love of the water! He was so happy getting wet and swimming back and forth to Todd and I! (When I say back and forth I mean Todd and I pushed him as he was parallel to the water!)

Jayden was enjoying every moment with his girlfriends Sam and Emmy! How precious are they.....

Jayden was exhausted and fell asleep in the car before we even made it to the stop sign! We had an awesome day and can't wait to spend more lazy days with the Colavecchio's and Porter's!

Friday, May 4, 2012

First Trip to the Zoo

Last Friday we had Jayden's follow-up appointment with the ENT. After we were done, Todd and I wanted to bring Jayden somewhere to play in Orlando. As we sat in the car debating, Todd decided that we should take him for his first zoo experience! I knew he would adore it and I couldn't wait to see his eyes light up with pleasure! 

So we headed to the Central Florida Zoo! I was shocked to see how many exciting things there were for the kids to do! They had a train, merry-go-round, laser tag, zip lining, splash pad and oh yes the ANIMALS!

Right off the bat we saw animals and Jayden was ecstatic! (Lol I couldn't wait until he saw real animals!) He also saw Uncle Dave's and Daddy's favorite Galapagos turtles!

Since the cheetahs were resting far back in the shade, this was as close as Jayden was going to get! After the cheetah exhibit, we headed over to the moneys and the camel!

It was surreal seeing the cougar with J. It was so close to us! He kept pacing the fence and guarding his surroundings! Jayden had no idea this guy could eat him for lunch! Ha, Jayden just laughed and smiled at him! After the cougars, we headed to the tigers! So beautiful and BIG!

Jayden enjoyed the butterfly garden and the chess set! He of course did not feel comfortable until he rearranged a few pieces!

After seeing every animal possible, Jayden was ready to cool off at the splash pad! We were surprised to see that this was addition to the zoo, but Mommy always comes prepared! We had J's suit in the car just in case we ended up doing something involved with water! I absolutely fell in love with the adorable splash pad and Jayden could not have been more hilarious! All of the couples sitting in the shade said he was the highlight to their down with his screeching and laughing! That little guy sure loves his water!

As we packed J up, we knew he was exhausted, but we were shocked when he fell asleep before we even exited the parking lot! He was so precious!


and of course we couldn't resist introducing him to his first milk shake on such a hot day when we got home.......and oh how he loved his banana pudding shake! What a way to end a perfect day!