Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Play Date at Magic Kingdom!

Jayden thoroughly enjoys spending time with his “girlfriends”, especially when it happens to be at DISNEY! Our friends Melanie, Jeff and Ella had tickets to Magic Kingdom and they invited the Shappards to go with them. Since my wonderful uncle could get one extra person in, we invited Kristen and Emmy to join us since Kristen is close friends with Melanie also.
We met up with Kristen and Emmy ay the Polynesian Resort so we could ride the monorail over! The little ones were so excited to see each other again!  

Once we got into the park, we headed straight towards fantasy land! (We’ve found that when you have little ones, this is the place to go!) Before Melanie caught up with us, we were able to go on the Snow White ride. It was a shocker at how scary the ride was! Obviously not to me, but through the eyes of a one year old it sure is! Poor Jayden was glued to my arm and was half climbing on me! I don’t blame him I would have done the same thing….actually I think I would have cried! There were several parts where it was pitch black as you rode along!
After Snow White, we were against any more scary rides! We met up with Melanie, after a small misunderstanding (Since English is Melanie’s second language, she misunderstood us when we said we were by the carousal and she went to the tea cups. Lol, she said they both went around in circles!! J). After she finally made it over to the carousal we took the kiddos on and they adored the wind flying in their hair! (At least Jayden since the other two are light on the hair still!)

We also thought we would be adventurous and try People Movers. Now my family has raved about how soothing it is and sometimes a little one might fall asleep! So I thought…..Perfect, Jayden is in need of a nap! However, Jayden had different thoughts! He much rather sit next to his girlfriend Emmy and flirt with her!

We had such an incredible time watching the little ones see all of the Magic! Not only did the kids have fun, the big kids had fun too! Here's to many more wonderdul play dates in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like alot of fun at the World's Happiest Place on Earth. Sweet pictures.
