Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The 8th Wonder of the World

Many of you have heard us joke about Jayden commandeering our I-Phones. This is because Todd and I have somehow discovered the 8th Wonder of the World: The I-Phone White Noise Application.

Our lil' guy loves noise, aka the hair dryer, to fall asleep to. As soon as I turned on the hair dryer he would immediately stop crying. So the amazing father that Todd is, he went in search of an application on our phone that could emulate the sound of the hair dryer and he found one.

So for the past month or so everywhere we went I would give Jayden my phone to keep him calm. He has had it in the stroller, car seat, swing, crib and in our arms sleeping! It got to a point that I couldn't even answer my phone when people called.

Lol, so what did our amazing Daddy do? He bought mommy a new phone yesterday and now Jayden officially has his first phone! (Without service of course!)

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