Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jayden's Birth

Jayden Colin Shappard made his entry into the world at 12:04 A.M on November 4, 2010. He weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces and measured 20 ½ inches in length. I can still hear his little whimper as they pulled him out of my stomach. Lol, yes I ended up having a C-Section after 22 hours of labor. I guess I need to start at the beginning and tell you what lead up to the C-Section decision…..

·         4:00 A.M. Induction on November 3, 2010 due to little man not wanting to come out.
·         Watching a late morning 408 Expressway car chase live with the entire Winnie Palmer 2nd Floor staff while I’m having contractions!
·         Not being able to break my water…..unheard of!
·         Succumbing to an epidural after 12 hours of labor.
·         Problems getting the epidural in……quite a story.
·         Finally reaching the half way point at 4:30 P.M. (5 centimeters dilated)
·         Only gaining one more centimeter by 10:30 P.M. (6 centimeters dilated)
·         Deciding with our OBGYN at 10:45 P.M. to do a C-Section.
·         Back-up on the surgery floor… additional hour delay.
·         Rolled into the surgery room shaking and nauseous from the additional epidural medication.
Hearing my son whimper for the first time prior to projectile vomiting on the anesthesiologist next to me: priceless!
We’re finally home now with the most beautiful little boy. He is the most amazing gift that God could ever have given us. Thank you to all of our friends and family that came to visit us and loved me even with puke in my hair!

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