Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Ethan!

CARS!!! Ethan absolutely adores the movie Cars, so what better theme for his 2nd birthday than Cars! Jayden was very excited to play with Ethan and help him celebrate his birthday! Kelly and Rick did a great job setting up for the party. It was held outside and the weather was gorgeous!
There was an awesome bounce house for the “little kids” and corn hole set up for the “big” kids!

Ethan also had a sand box and a police Little Tykes car that Jayden had to play with!

After playing hard, it was time for cake and presents! Ethan LOVED his Cars cake and he was quite precious as we sang happy birthday to him!

Happy Birthday E, we love you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Special Valentine’s Day

Yesterday the precious men in my life spoiled me and gave me a very memorable Valentine’s Day! Toddy surprised me and had Tulips, candy and a card waiting on my desk when I got to work. What a way to start my day!
In the afternoon Todd and I took an opportunity to sneak away and have lunch together since we had decided to stay home and share our evening with J! I told Todd I would buy him lunch anywhere he wanted! And his choice…..Five Guys! How I love my Toddy! It was quite delicious and I truly enjoyed our little get away!
After work, I picked up my little guy, who happened to have a fabulous day of Valentine’s treats, and headed home. When we walked into the house J headed straight to the living room. I put my purse down and then headed after him to play. It took me a minute, but I suddenly realized there was a new end table sitting in the middle of my living room!!! Toddy had surprised me yet again with the matching end table to our entertainment center. I told him a month before how I wanted to get the end table to go between our new love seat and couch! I was so excited and as you can see so was J……………..

My special day ended with me giving Jayden his first Valentine’s gift from his Mommy! He was so cute opening his gift!

What more could a woman ask for????

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Jayden (And Todd and I of course) want to send you hugs and kisses on this special day!

I am very blessed to have two very special men in my life! I will love you always and forever!

P.S. Toddy, I read this and thought of you………….
“For twas not into my ear you whispered,
But into my heart
Twas not my lips you kissed
But my soul.”
~ Judy Garland

Jayden’s First Valentine’s Party

As you know, I adore party planning of any kind. So I was ecstatic when I picked up Jayden and saw on his classroom door that they were going to be having a Valentine’s Day party! Jayden’s first!! There was a signup sheet of things parents could bring in for their snack time! I quickly perused the list and saw cookies, cupcakes, fruit, cheese and a few other things. I also noticed that there was a note saying everything had to be store bought! I immediately was disappointed because I couldn’t snazz up store bought cupcakes or cookies!!! I mean how was I going to attempt to show off my Martha Stewart skills! (Lol Todd teases me about being extreme, but I love adding the extra touch that makes people smile!)
I went home and thought about my options. What could I do to make Jayden’s snack special???? CHEESE! I could buy the cheese and slice and cut it into heart shapes! I was so excited! So here are a few pictures of Jayden’s cheese plate that I made for tomorrow!

Something seemed to be missing.....

Now it seems complete!
I also wanted to do something special for his teachers! I thought it might be sweet to make them homemade cupcakes and package them up for each of his teachers! (Since he is one of their sweethearts of course J!)

Here’s hoping my little man has a fabulous first Valentine’s Day party! Since food is involved I somehow know he is going to have a great day tomorrow!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Xander’s 1st Birthday!

Jayden has been missing his buddy Xander terribly since he moved to the toddler room! So he was extremely excited when I told him we were spending Saturday with him at X-Man’s first birthday party! (J had no idea what party meant, but he was clearly thrilled when he heard me say Xander’s name!)
Xander’s mommy, Ms. Megan, did a fantastic job with the theme! (Dr. Seuss) I loved all of the décor and the snack/food table! I can’t wait to share her wonderful ideas with you! Here are a few pics for you to enjoy…..

And drum roll please................ here is the official birthday boy sporting his Dr. Seuss birthday outfit!

The party was actually held at Jayden’s daycare in a new facility/room that he had never been in. He was fascinated by the big kid toys in this room! It was priceless watching him and the other little ones explore everything! Jayden had a blast playing with his buddies, especially when it came to the wagon that Xander’s grandma gave him!
If you look close, you can see Jayden through the mesh!

Riley and J investigating the drink bucket!

Wyett loved giving out hugs! So precious!

LOL, not sure Ethan was prepared for his hug!

J adored his Dr. Seuss inspired hat and he had to parade around the party to show it off! (Megan is amazing and thought of everything!)

When it was time to open presents, Jayden felt that it was his duty to show Xander how to open his gifts! We held him back for 3/4ths of the gift opening, but then he escaped us! Thank goodness Xander’s Mommy and Daddy were so understanding!

Thank goodness the one gift Jayden opened without permission was the one we gave Xander! Scout is currently J's favorite toy, so we thought Xander might like him too!

Of course after presents the most exciting part of the party came!! THE SMASH CAKE!! Xander had the most precious Dr. Seuss outfit for the official smash! He did quite well with everyone staring at him! Lol, I don’t know how I would feel with 60 eyes watching me while I ate cake!

Thank you to Megan, Chase and Xander for including us in your special celebration!
We love you guys!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Magic Kingdom!!!

Yesterday was a dream come true! We finally were able to take Jayden to Magic Kingdom! We are so fortunate to have an amazing uncle who was able to get out whole family in! (Thanks Uncle Jim!) The Pyles family, Grandma Sharon and Grandma Cathy were all able to see the delight on Jayden’s face while he experienced Magic Kingdom for the first time!
We started out with the tram as his first adventure! And an adventure it was! Lol I never quite understood when I was younger how difficult it was to finagle all of the bags and the stroller on the tram! I can now truly appreciate the tram skills parents have!!!

After the tram we proceeded to the ferry that would take us from the parking lot over to MK! How exciting….Jayden’s first boat ride! He of course loved it and was so excited to be with his bigger cousins!

Once inside MK, we wanted to do something the older kids would like. So we headed over to Buzz Lighyear.  This of course is a ride that is fun for all ages because it entails laser tag! I mean who wouldn’t love that! Well the wait time said 30 minutes, so I thought we could entertain J for that long. Lol, however it tuned into 45 minutes very quickly. Jayden was ready to explore and didn’t quite appreciate the employee who let all the Fast Pass ticket holders through at a 70:30 ratio! (Lol did I say Jayden….I meant all of us adults!)   

Finally we got on the ride and poor J didn’t quite know how to react. It was loud and dark with scary robots and animals! He clung to me very closely and couldn’t wait for it to be over!

What a priceless face!

The Grandmas enjoyed it though! Complete concentration!
After Buzz, we headed over to the Tea Cups! Daddy wasn’t quite sure his stomach was as strong as J and I’s, so he took pictures instead! Jayden’s face was priceless as we went around in circles! He had a smile on his face and was truly having the time of his life!

After the Tea Cups we headed over to Fantasy Land! Our first ride was the Carousel! I knew J would love it because he adored the Sea World one he went on. However, Todd had never seen his little man on one before! They both seemed to be my little boys! They LOVED it!

I love my Pyles girls!

And boys!

"Hey Daddy, are you having as much fun as me?"

Our next ride was the infamous Small World! I knew J would adore this ride with all of the colors, music and little kids and I wasn’t wrong! He sat still on my lap throughout the entire ride gazing at the brilliant colors and displays!

Small World Goes Irish!!!!
Soon after, Jayden was ready for a quiet respite!  He had a power nap for 45 minutes and then was ready to conquer MK again with Katie Squirrel!

It was a magical day and everything I hoped if ever could be! On our way out Jayden said goodbye to Walt and Minnie! I love that boy!