Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ear Tubes for the J Man

As many of you know, Jayden has been battling ear infections since his first month. After his eighth one, it was decided that we needed to see an ENT specialist. (The pediatrician recommended them earlier, but a little thing called meningitis slowed us down.) We made an appointment to see the ENT specialist, Dr. Kosco, on Monday, November 21st. Dr. Kosco was fabulous and agreed that he needed tubes as soon as possible. Throughout this process, I have remained  calm thinking it wouldn’t be for another month. Little did I know that they worked us in and scheduled us for the day after Thanksgiving!   
 This morning we showed up at the Arnold Palmer surgery center at 6:30 a.m. (With a hungry baby on our hands since he had been fasting from the night before.) The staff was phenomenal and explained to us several times what the procedure and recovery would be like. The ear tubes would create an airway that would ventilate the middle ear and prevent the accumulation of fluids behind the ear. The doctor would create a small incision in the eardrum, which he would then insert the tubes into. The biggest issue Todd and I were concerned about was the anesthesia. (I think all parents would be concerned about putting their little one to sleep.)
 We were the first baby called into surgery. They brought us back to a triage/check-in area and proceeded to put J in a gown and take his vitals. (The gown somehow made him seem so small and innocent…..) He was so wonderful and did not cry one time. He just enjoyed flirting with all the nurses! Dr. Kosco came and talked with us to ensure we had all of our questions answered and then the nurse took our little guy away. Now I think it would have been extremely difficult if he had cried when they took him from his mommy and daddy, but oh no not our Tank! He didn’t even look back since he was enthralled with the new woman carting him away!
 After J was gone, they took us back to the waiting room where I proceeded to tell myself not to cry about a 100 times!!! I knew he was safe, but it was just the unknown that worried me! It was such a quick surgery that the next thing I knew the doctor was back out talking to us…within 15 minutes! (I think that if it was one more minute there might have been some tears since the chanting in my head did not seem to be working anymore!) Dr. Kosco said everything went beautifully and that he actually had another ear infection (9!!!) when he performed the surgery. The nurses brought us back to the recovery area and when we rounded the corner we saw them carrying Jayden out! He was drowsy and all cuddled in his blanket……but the most precious thing I had ever seen!
 It was so wonderful to have him in my arms again. We are forever grateful for Dr. Kosco and his outstanding team of nurses and staff. They made Todd and I so comfortable about the procedure and we highly recommend him to any other mommies and daddies who may need to see him!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

This year Thanksgiving was very special because my little bro Colin was in town. His wife Katie had to stay home and work and it wasn’t quite the same without her! However, we are thrilled that she let us borrow him for a few days!
 We woke up and I made all the boys (Jayden, Todd & Colin) a breakfast casserole. It was precious seeing my favorite men in the room thoroughly enjoying something I made them! After breakfast, it was time to straighten up and prepare for the Shappard family luncheon. I baked a pumpkin cake with homemade whip cream and a blue cheese vinaigrette salad. Todd loaded the car and we were off to his cousin Justin’s home in Eustis.
 When we arrived, J was anxious to get out and explore. While Todd followed little man around, I unloaded the car. As I grabbed the food in the cooler, I started looking for the salad bowl and the cake pan. I said to myself, “hmmm that’s funny, I clearly had everything that was going located in the same central area in the kitchen. I wonder why the items aren’t in the car?” I asked Todd and he said he didn’t pack anything but the cooler because I didn’t give specific directions to pack the items on the counter as well. Well shoot, lol I didn’t know I was suppose to list out every item! It was my fault that I didn’t mention the items on the counter, but I of course I needed to blame someone other than myself! Todd said it was win/win because then we could have the whole cake to ourselves when we got home! However, without the salad bowl I had to turn the salad Tupperware upside down and serve it in a lopsided container. I was mortified and felt like a country bumpkin. LOL, Todd just smiled at me and told me everything would be all right!
 After our afternoon with the Shappards, we headed over to my Mom’s for another turkey “dinner”. I was looking forward to putting my feet up and seeing all of my family. The meal was delicious and my sweet potato casserole was very delectable! Jayden truly enjoyed his first official turkey dinner! He mixed everything together on his tray, which made me break out into a nervous sweat! (It’s an inside joke with my family that I can’t have anything touching on my plate….especially Thanksgiving Dinner!)
J exhausted from his frist Thanksgiving!

J sitting on the chair my Great Grandfather made for my mommy!
Three generations later and the kiddos still love it!

After dinner, the “Squirrel” Family (Pyles Family) came over for dessert. Jayden loved seeing his second cousins and playing with them. He followed William around and loved on him all night! We had a blast with everyone and I couldn’t have imagined a better day!

 From our family to yours, we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Jayden’s 1 Year Appointment

It’s quite amazing how fast a year flies by! I can't believe it was time to measure J up! They were running a little behind, so I was busy entertaining Jayden for 30 minutes!
Does it even surprise you by now that he was attempting to get into something.....
His physical went great, but Dr. O was thrilled that J was going to be getting ear tubes within a week. She wrote down the dates of all of his ear infections for me so I could give it to the ENT specialist. I was quite shocked by how they had added up so quickly.......
11/09/11 - LOM
10/25/11 - LOM
09/09/11 - LOM
08/19/11 - LOM
08/04/11 - ROM
06/14/11 - ROM
05/06/11 - LOM
03/18/11 - ROM
I absolutely adore seeing his pediatrician and her staff at A+ Pediatrics, but I dread seeing little man get shots. After four shots, J was ready to get out of there! He was so wonderful and only cried for a few seconds. However, he did his usual stare down with the nurse and his eyes were saying "How dare you give me shots!....I'm supposed to be adored!"
Jayden on his way home to be pampered!

Height: 30” (50th Percentile)
Weight: 23 Pounds 4 Ounces (50th Percentile)
Head Circumference:  19 "(60th Percentile)

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Drum roll please……………… yesterday was officially Jayden’s First Birthday Party! It seems like I have been counting down 365 days to this, wait I have been! It was everything that I imagined it would be and more! I had a complete blast with Jayden and I know that when he looks back he will appreciate his first birthday party! (Lol, I at least hope he does!)
I’ve been dying to share my planning and outrageous decorating décor with you! The outrageous decorating décor came from my husband Todd. I asked him if he could make animal cut outs for the yard and of course he was up to the task. (Especially since he got to purchase a new power tool!) We’re a pretty good pair when it comes to party planning! 
Welcome to the Shappard’s Safari Adventure…..
Don't you love the monkey on the balcony...Todd's idea!

Once inside, all of our safari guides had their binoculars ready for any wild game.....

It couldn't be a party without my favorite part: the FOOD! We worked really hard coming up with great Safari names for our menu.... Gorilla Grapes, Zebra Cakes, Impala Italian Subs, Crocodile Club Subs, Monkey Meat Balls, Cheetah Cheese Ball, Safari Spinach Dip and my fav Big Five Bacon Parm Dip!

I also made little sack lunches for our safari guides. They each contained organic fruit punch, a jelly sandwich, Puffs and apple sauce.

When you think of babies turning one, you automatically think of them eating their first cake and/or cupcake. I wanted to do something special for his first birthday, so I decided to make his cupcakes with the help of his Grandma Cathy. I made the lion cupcake toppers and she helped me with the most delicious frosting ever! I am quite proud of how they turned out....Jayden definitely approved!

It was important to have activities for our little ones to entertain themselves with. We had a tent, sand box and ball pit. (And corn hole for our BIG safari guides!) When they were done outside, they also spent some time relaxing back at Base Camp in the play room.

With all the partying, it was hard to stop and take pictures. However, here are a few of my favorites that I was able to capture:

Not quite sure where Jayden's hand was going...

Sorry Martina, I had to....

Now with Todd's spectacular animal cutouts, all I had to do was tie a few Safari elements into the party. Here are a few things I did inside/outside the house....

A many thanks to the individuals that helped make this party complete:
Grandma Sharon, Grandma Cathy, Auntie Katie, Uncle Colin, Auntie Em, Auntie Lindsey
and last but not least LoraLee Lewis Party Designs!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Jayden's Birthday Party at Daycare!

I was completely in my party planning mode on Wednesday when I realized that I hadn’t organized anything for Jayden’s birthday at daycare. I thought for sure that they wouldn’t appreciate me bringing cupcakes in because it would create such a mess with the little ones! However, just to be sure I had Todd ask Jayden’s teacher Ms. Megan on Thursday. Since she is so wonderful, she said of course we can do cupcakes! (Meanwhile I internally went into freak out mode because I had nothing special made or planned!)

I immediately began to think of how I could snaz up the cupcakes. (Now once you have a child you somehow feel that every first has to be spectacular…lol, so you psych yourself out sometimes!) So I decided to stay with Jayden’s birthday party theme and do the same lion cupcakes toppers, but with a different background. This then meant that I needed to stay up until 1:00 AM making them! I then got up early and baked the cupcakes so they would be fresh. Lastly, his Grandma Cathy came over and helped me make an incredible icing for them. Overall…..I felt they were a success! Jayden truly adored his FIRST CUPCAKE!!! (As did his buddy Xander!)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Birthday My Little One

I loved you from the very start,
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
Our life together has just begun
You're part of me my little one.
As mother with child, each day I grew,
My mind was filled with thoughts of you.

I'd daydream of the things we'd share,
Like late-night bottles and Teddy bears.
Like first steps and skinned knees,
Like bedtime stories and ABC's.
I thought of things you'd want to know,
Like how birds fly and flowers grow.

I thought of lessons I'd need to share,
Like standing tall and playing fair.
When I first saw your precious face,
I prayed your life be touched with grace.
I thanked the angels from above,
And promised you unending love.

Each night I lay you down to sleep,
I gently kiss your head and cheek.
I count your little fingers and toes;
I memorize your eyes and nose.
I linger at your nursery door,
Awed each day I love you more.

Through misty eyes, I dim the light,
I whisper, "I love you" every night.
I loved you from the very start,
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
As mother and child our journeys begin,
My heart's yours forever little one.