Sunday, August 28, 2011

Playdate! (Better Late Than Never)

On Saturday, July 30 Tara hosted another playdate for the Lockheed Mom’s! I absolutely adore these days because I get to spend time with J and see him interact with babies his age. He always makes me smile or pulls something that has me in stitches! This time he was fascinated with Tara’s entertainment center. He climbed on top in an attempt to get to the fireplace and he was determined that he would get to the paperwork and boxes stored on the right hand side. Of course I can’t leave out that in his attempt to get to the right hand side he proceeded to crawl through the middle of the excersaucer and Ella’s legs!!
Here are a few pics of J’s playdate with Cooper, Ella, Xander. (Unfortunately I did not get a picture of Emmy, our newest addition to the play group.)

 (This is right before he crawled through Ellas's legs!)

Sound Sleeper

Prior to having Jayden, everyone told us that we needed to make sure that we didn’t adjust our lifestyle while he was sleeping. We both thought that this was sound advice and when Jayden was born we would let him nap in the swing while the TV was on, we vacuumed and we played music. He has been an angel ever since, but he still caught me my surprise this morning!
Todd is helping me with a top secret job for Jayden’s birthday party! This project involves his jig saw, which means it gets pretty loud while he is working on it. Yesterday, the entire family was outside working on the project (well Jayden was kicked back in his stroller assessing our skill level) because it was beautiful. All of a sudden Todd and I look over and there he is sound asleep sucking on his bottle…..while the saw is going!
Thank goodness for our innocent sound sleeper! He makes life so easy!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Priceless Laughs

As a parent who works full time, you always hope that you catch all of your baby’s firsts and not his daycare family. Last week when I went to pick up Jayden, he was in the front office flirting with all of the women! They immediately say to me, “Have you seen him make noises when you jiggle his chin?” I was a little taken aback because I had no idea what they were talking about. I pleaded with them to show me and then my precious boy made me laugh so hard that I almost wet my pants!

Here is a little video clip from dinner last night of him doing it…..priceless!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jayden's "FIRSTS"

Waved Bye Bye – July 25, 2011
It amazes me how fast Jayden can grasp something that we teach him. I just recently started taking his arm and waving bye bye to his Daddy. It was just something sweet I thought Todd would enjoy. Then low and behold, Todd told me that at daycare when he was leaving he pompted Jayden and ge started waving bye bye! Now he loves waving bye bye. Lol, even if he isn’t going anywhere.
P.S. A few weeks ago Todd and I went to an Orlando City soccer game and my mom watched him. She held him while we were sitting in our car in the garage. There he was waving bye bye to us in his Grandma’s arms. So PRECIOUS!

Sucked on His Toes – July 28, 2011

Slid Down a Slide – August 2, 2011

Said MaMa – August 2, 2011
After an exhausting day of work, all I want to do is see my baby. After picking him up from daycare, we came home and played for a few minutes. After playing, I picked up my little man and headed to the guest bedroom to change his diaper. On the way he surprised me by looking up at me and saying mama. For some reason, that moment was the most special moment to me. Just like the Grinch said, “My heart grew two sizes that day!”. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Jayden's "FIRSTS"

Watched Cartoons - May 27, 2011

Road His Train – June 4, 2011

Walked Behind a Toy - June 11, 2011

Walked in the Walker - June 28, 2011
Now when I say that this is his first time walking in his walker, I don’t mean it’s actually his first time moving. He has managed to go backwards several times, but hadn’t quite figured out the forward motion. I do believe the plants and his natural sense of exploration spurred his recent movement!

Crawled Up the Steps – June 23, 2011
Never in a million years did I expect Jayden to find the stairs so quickly. Adventurous is his middle name! I swear that I will have a few (or a lot) of gray hairs by the time he is 5!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Tank" III

For some reason I know I won’t be able to post all of the pics and videos of Jayden’s resiliency, but I had to show this video!!! Todd is the ring leader in this adventure and it makes me feel so much better after my performance in the last one!
Please enjoy!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Last Thursday night Todd and I experienced our first case of helplessness with Jayden. I got a phone call at work in the afternoon from daycare. (Never a good sign, at least when Jayden is concerned!) J had thrown up, but he didn't have a temp. I wasn’t quite sure what thrown up meant in terms of Jayden because all I have ever experienced is his baby spit-up. Well, Todd and I sure found out!
Jayden proceeded to throw up throughout the rest of the evening and I mean THROW UP! It was projectile and it got Todd twice and me once. I never thought I would see the day that I would coo to someone and tell them it was ok to throw up on me!
Finally by 11 PM, we were worried about dehydration. Following the pediatrician’s orders, we took Jayden to Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando. (The best pediatric hospital in central Florida!) They gave him some medicine to help him stop throwing up…THANK GOODNESS! We were fortunate because we brought him in before he was severely dehydrated, so he didn’t need IV fluid.
Our little guy was amazing through it all! What a trooper! (Unlike his mommy and daddy!)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Puppy Mania

We’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been able to show you pictures of our new extended puppy family! The Arnold’s yorkies surprised them with a puppy litter of 5 before they could them fixed! Four girls and one boy! After careful consideration Mom, Cathy, Memaw and Pa decided to take one of the puppies. The house has been so lonely without Bodie. (I still miss him dreadfully!) When they went to pick out their puppy, somehow Pa suggested that their puppy would be much happier with one of their siblings to play with. I don’t know if my family fell of their rocker, but somehow they came away picking out TWO!! They named them Bella and Scarlet, quite fitting for their personalities!
The Arnold’s also kept two puppies, Toby and Macy. (Along with Bentley and Maggie!) Here are a few pictures of Jayden and his new friends!

Friday, August 5, 2011

“Tank” II

So just in case you didn’t believe me that Jayden is resilient, here is a video clip that depicts his personality to a T….
WARNING: This video may cause extreme and/or uncontrollable laughing!!!

P.S. Please do not think I am a horrible mother!